1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. will not survive. For the ones who do, the battle is never over.



Childhood Leukemia Society was formed by the James Speranta Organization for the sole purpose of supporting children and their families who have been diagnosed with Leukemia and cancer related illness in the City of Monrovia and adjacent cities. The Organization will hold blood drives and community charity events to raise funds, educate and raise awareness with the intent to assist children with cancer.
Fundraiser Event
November 1, 2024
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Double Tree Hotel
924 West Huntington Drive
Monrovia CA 91016
Hosted by Childhood Leukemia Society for the benefit of children with cancer. All net proceeds go to Childhood Leukemia Society to benefit and support families with children with cancer.

50 years ago if your child was diagnosed with Leukemia it was a death sentence and they were given 3 months to live. Fast forward today, we have a 90% success rate in treatments. Our mission is for us to have 100% success rate. Join Dr. Weili Sun and Childhood Leukemia Society in supporting the children and families with cancer
The James Speranta Organization was founded by the Speranta family following the diagnosis of their 16-year-old son James with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. James is currently undergoing a 3-year treatment program at the City of Hope for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It is their hope that this organization will serve as a vehicle to help and educate other children and their families that are victims of this shocking diagnosis of Childhood Cancer. The stress and effects on the families are long lasting and can be devastating.
This website is designed to share the Speranta family’s experience managing the day-to-day life, of their son James, going through cancer.
Donations are absolutely vital to our work.
Your child will be admitted to a hospital as soon as they are diagnosed. This is where the shock sets in and the James Speranta Organization wants to help create a “Roadmap” to help and assist those families that have been affected. A helping hand.
Your child will experience a variety of emotions, such as anger, guilt, fear, anxiety and sadness, all in quick succession. Your child’s treatment will involve new people and life-changing experiences that they may find frightening. It’s important for a family to come together during this crisis to set the tone and the game plan to survive the storm ahead. As parents, we figured out quickly the importance of gathering ourselves and our emotions, to set the course and path because we knew in our hearts it needed to be a positive one. Please visit our Roadmap to hopefully help in guiding you through this process.
Connect With Us
Join us in this fight against leukemia.
680 E Colorado Blvd. Suite 400
Pasadena, CA 91101
Reach Us By Email
DISCLAIMER: This information is provided from the point of view of a parent who’s child has undergone successfully the course of treatment for ALL B-Cell Leukemia and is not intended to be taken as advice. Any mistakes are mine and mine alone and I will happy to correct these as necessary but the intention is to share my family’s experience with the hope that it will be helpful to others but not be taken as advice on best course of action. Each situation and individual is different so working closely with your Primary Oncologist and Nurse Practitioner is the only advice we can give.
There is a shortage of blood and platelets in LA County, giving blood is giving life each and every time. You can donate every 52 days and dedicate your blood to a patient, or to any child in need. Make a difference today and save a life. GIVE PLATELETS